Changing Housing, Sustainable Human Settlements & Water and Food security perceptions & practices through practical examples of appropraite building technology using waste.
QPT- Start Living Green is a registered South African Non-profit company that started in 2012 as a social initiative. The lack of change in the built environment is a real concern. Therefore there is a need for change in technology, government regulations and society’s perceptions of sustainability related to human settlements. QPT- Start Living Green wishes to engage with people that have an environmental and social conscience. Pro-actively, through learning by doing approach, we want to identify individual change agents in society that want to come on board to create REAL sustainable human settlements. QPT- Start Living Green does not only want to write about change, we aspire to be the change you want to see in society. Please spread the word…. QPT is ready for action in a BIG way….
Address: 53 Johannes Rabie Street, Wilgehof
Free State
South AfricaPhone: 0741006808-